Innovative Ion Exchange for Industrial Water Treatment

The Power of Ion Exchange in Water Treatment

As industries deal with the challenges of water scarcity, improved ion exchange and adsorption technologies provide elegant solutions to address the need for efficient and sustainable industrial water cleaning processes.

Supporting Resource Processors and Sustainable Development

Ion exchange is among the most effective water treatment technologies for dissolved solids, offering a lower initial investment compared to other technologies and effective for the removal of inorganic ions. Still, maintenance, physical footprint, and operation costs can be downsides for conventional platforms.

The patented RenixUIX™ Steady-State Ion Exchange Platform equips resource processors with the ability to transform and extract value from resources. The platform has demonstrated proficiency in numerous applications, including ingredient purification, water reuse, metal recovery, and co-product separations, highlighting the breadth of its industrial impact.

The Old Made New: Fix Vs UIX

For resource processors navigating a landscape of increasing regulatory pressures, complex technical challenges, and competitive constraints, the use of new technologies can help processors to extract value more comprehensively, cost-effectively, and sustainably.


3rd-party side-by-side OPEX comparison with an existing 3-column Fixed-Bed Ion Exchange system vs the RenixUIX™ steady-state platform
3rd-party side-by-side OPEX comparison with an existing 3-column Fixed-Bed Ion Exchange system vs the RenixUIX™ steady-state platform

OPEX Savings

In a compelling third-party comparison with a traditional Fixed-Bed Ion Exchange system, the RenixUIX™ Steady-State Ion Exchange Platform demonstrated remarkable financial and operational advantages. The platform boasts many benefits, including OPEX savings, reduced and chemical usage, higher water recovery rates, and minimal operational intervention and maintenance. Moreover, it offers a smaller physical footprint, maximizing efficiency and space optimization.

The comparison highlighted significant benefits compared to the fixed bed Ion Exchange System. It delivers up to 50% reduction in total operational expenses (OPEX), substantial savings of up to 50% on chemicals, and up to 80% improvement in water saving. Additionally, it achieves up to 10 times higher target ion load, minimizes operator intervention and maintenance, and occupies a smaller physical footprint.


3rd-party side-by-side Stewardship comparison with an existing 3-column Fixed-Bed Ion Exchange system vs the RenixUIX™ steady-state platform
3rd-party side-by-side Stewardship comparison with an existing 3-column Fixed-Bed Ion Exchange system vs the RenixUIX™ steady-state platform


Stewardship and Water Security

Emphasizing environmental stewardship, the RenixUIX™ Steady-State Ion Exchange Platform contributes to a more sustainable industrial landscape with its substantial lifecycle reduction in Eutrophication Potential, Acidification Potential, and Global Warming Potential. Additionally, it enhances water security by supporting reso users in diverse industries to maximize water recycling, minimize freshwater intake, and reduce wastewater discharge.

To better understand how our technology differentiates from traditional ion exchange, listen to our pitch presentation from IFAT Brasil 2024.

Steady State Efficiency and Industrial Impact

A notable feature of the RenixUIX™ Steady-State Ion Exchange Platform is its steady-state resin regeneration in a highly efficient, stable, and controlled manner. The platform offers expanded counter-current sorption of compounds of interest and integrates resin regeneration steps seamlessly, resulting in high overall efficiencies, lower resin volume, and reduced ancillary equipment. Its tuneable configurations empower industrial processors to effectively remove or recover dissolved solids, all while offering real-time adjustability, lower operating costs, and enhanced process stability.

About Renix

Renix, as a leader in ion exchange-based liquid separation and purification, embodies a commitment to engineering innovation that promotes optimal resource utilization and the attainment of business and sustainability objectives. Supported by a dedicated team of engineers and scientists inspired by a vision of transforming production processes, Renix has positioned itself as a pivotal player in driving sustainable change within the water treatment, agri-food industry and beyond.

The introduction of the RenixUIX™ Steady-State Ion Exchange Platform represents a monumental leap forward in the realm of industrial water management, offering efficiency, sustainability, and adaptability to address the evolving needs of resource processors across diverse sectors.

Sustainable Mining: Water Security & ESG Focus

The mining industry plays a crucial role in the development and evolution of modern society. As we shift towards renewable energy, electric cars, and other technological advancements, the industry is actively working to adopt sustainable mining and water security practices to thrive alongside the communities it serves.

In the coming decade, the industry will continue to face significant challenges as governments, stakeholders, and companies increase their focus on water security and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards. Protecting watersheds is critical to ensuring healthy ecosystems and supporting communities by providing secure access to clean water. This requires a combination of effective technologies and tailored methods to meet the specific needs of each mining company and the communities around them.

Governments, mining companies, and non-governmental organizations share a responsibility to ensure that water is clean and safe for communities and ecosystems. Investing in new technologies can help the mining sector strike an important balance between providing the metals and minerals needed in modern society while protecting ecosystems and communities. At the same time, the industry can recover value that could be lost using conventional water treatment processes.

To ensure long-term sustainability and success, the mining industry is taking significant steps to address these challenges. We salute the continued implementation of innovative solutions that strike that balance by creating a positive impact on the environment and the communities that rely on mining activities, and proactively adopting sustainable practices and working towards a better future.

Renix Active Separation Solutions are specifically designed to help mining companies promote water security and thrive alongside their communities. Use our Contact Us form to learn more about our technology or contact for more information.